International Shipping



International shipping is on hold for now.  We are working with a company to be able to offer it soon.


We do ship internationally to Canada and most European countries, if you pay using PayPal. ITAR restrictions limit us to a $500 value per shipment per customer per month.  The checkout will add $40 to cover international shipping.

Please inquire first, before placing an order, for international shipping to other countries.

We will manually examine any international orders to decide if they are within the ITAR rules, and may refund and refuse orders that the website allowed but are not within the export rules we must obey. To avoid this possibility, please inquire first, before placing an order, for international shipping to other countries.


If you are shipping to a US Territory or US Armed Forces address the checkout on this website might not work correctly.

  • Currently the US Armed Forces addresses are listed at the bottom of the “States” list as a choice of AA, AE, or AP. If this does not work correctly for you, please email us and we will process the order manually.
  • If you are shipping to Puerto Rico or the US Virgin Islands, these are one of the choices in the “Country” dropdown, even though they are a part of the USA.
  • If you are shipping to any of the other US Territories & Possessions (ie Guam, American Samoa, or Northern Marina Islands) please email us and we will process your order manually. For some reason these locations do not exist in the backend of the website as either part of the USA or a separate country. This is a known and ongoing issue with WooCommerce (the main program used for many websites to process orders).



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